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Canine Massage

If your dogs are anything like mine, they will experience bumps, bruises, injuries and possibly even serious trauma. After such injuries are treated and healed by a veterinarian, your dog may continue to experience residual negative effects. Some of these effects include:

  • Incorrect posture

  • Decrease in muscle flexibility

  • Imbalance in blood circulation

  • Decline in wellbeing and energy

  • Decline in zest for life


Benefits to Massage

The benefits of massage are vast. Regular massage treatments can improve the general wellbeing for your dog on every level. Whether they are healthy and active or healing from a surgery or injury, massage is catered to the specific dog and the dog’s needs and requirements.​


  • Improve general wellbeing and longevity; physical, mental and emotional

  • Improve circulation

  • Receiving more oxygen and nutrients through the blood

  • Muscle flexibility

  • Increase range of motion

  • Restore muscle tone

  • Posture and structural support

  • Movement

  • Relieve muscle tension and decrease pain

  • Increase body awareness

  • Musculoskeletal function

  • Make them feel special


YOUR CANINE MASSAGE PROVIDER MAY make recommendations for your dog to improve posture and movement including massage strategies, nutritional advice, exercises, and referrals to veterinary care.

Canine massage should be used as a powerful complimentary tool for behavioral purposes and overall well-being only. Some conditions may exist in your dog where you should not use massage. Please consult your veterinarian before conducting canine massage to ensure that your dog has no physical problems which might be aggravated by such activity. Arthritis, fractures, cancer and certain skin conditions are examples of situations when massage may not be an appropriate modality.
Canine massage is never a substitute for licensed veterinary care.

Margaret Norton (now Maggie Clark) is a Certified Canine Massage Provider. Maggie is a graduate of The Lang Institute for Canine Massage (LICM) which is the only state-approved training program that offers veterinary medical massage.  The dog massage program at LICM was developed by a faculty of veterinarians, massage therapists, PhDs, and education specialists.

Your Dog's first session

You should expect the following to occur during your first session:


  • The provider asks you to move your dog several yards in each direction in order to observe your dog’s posture and movement.

  • The practitioner talks with you about your dog’s attitude, past history, and eating/activity levels.

  • Your dog receives a 30-40 minute “first” massage.

  • You and the provider discuss various recommendations, based on the current condition of your dog.

Please book your appointment by phone or text. 

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